My Way As An English Teacher
By Brigit Portilla

Teaching has some difficulties when we find different
kind of learning and knowledge in a classroom, but it is the essential key that
encourages us to do many things in order to supply the necessities of a group.
Learning From The Kids
By Adrianita Zapata

Education In My Point Of View
By Camilo Varón

The second paper establishes the parameters that together
are integral presupposes starting from the aspects incur historical areas not
seen as a subject of debate but as humanistic reality, the author presupposes the
idea that many liberals were hauled volatile syllogisms for insertion a
comprehensive model degenerative regarding equality and positive with respect
to a factual modernization; speech in this paper the development of technology
as a field of wide differences with respect to science, and the market as
intentional motor special interest, where man must related in a different way,
critical and specialized with respect to a deconstruction purposes of the
characteristic of technological implementations in particular social contexts
with specific needs, your thinking ontologically human development is
evolutionary with a variety of ideas about the construction of the human in
(ethical assumptions).
The fundamentals of integral human development are the formative
aspects of social justice and political vision with implementation in education
through the story talking about assumptions and communities in antiquity passed
and coursed by precarious processes where the rate of mortality was overly
broad and where humanity lacked acquisitive possibilities and had a vast
general ignorance, which in turn focus to support a counterargument to this
that some realities of social construction which takes into account the context
needs to be generated, because the author takes selfishness as the basis for
enhancing the economy and society.
Important issues in education are the ethical, historical
(as a social reality), the social relations and human rights and culture,
through each of these sets conceptions where the human being is seen as an
inherent character of reality and subject of lack of opportunities and through
these two conceptions retake the development situation of peoples as an
ambiguous reality of moral absurdities,
The role of globalization is taken up in the changes
produced by the likewise industrial revolution influenced by effects of the
renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment, soit is assumed that since the
industrial revolution an improvement genre in quality of life based also for
example, in increased food production and the improvement of technical
processes but is refuted and highlights the inequality of conditions and the
coverage of these processes and their homologous relationship or not, from the
elitesof capitalism to the grassroots, where they enter play an important role
from the economic opportunities and social policy as an entity that moves bound
to specific interestbut skewed income sectors.
From a much more humanistic view of globalization is a
predominant reality of an evolving capitalist system which has not been
reflected in the reality construction analysisbut has been perpetuated by a
syllogistic decentralized processes and analytical system of social realities
and actions generated along with some resources where the author takes one of
the authors of tacit constructs utilitarianism where the concept of actions
that lead to a separate interest scientifically technological elements become
objects of social study
For me being an educator means an instrument of a complex
ontological process that contains the whole essence and duties of a person and
where the student receives and forge an identity through a life (purpose), it
should be noted that in this process, students are formed from the spiritual
(not religious) bone from his convictions, feelings, and consciousness (or
intentions) across all soulish (intellect, will and emotions) and returning the
body (physical) senses that are molded and what each part of the physical model
itself. So this way the teacher is a person that enhances different types of
processes, which are: first, through the process of truth convinced believe
second through brotherly kindness process management of feelings as that which
is stored in the heart, third through the process of wisdom awareness is the
understanding that consciousness; then you will understand the following
elements of this comprehensive resource acquisition as soulish, which are:
first the creation of knowledge through the processes of the mind (analysis,
analogies, deductions, inductions, intuition etc ..) second project approach
goals and a purpose for building a just and fair will. Inclusive of all the
above processes, third the orientation direction and control of emotions. And
the last is the teaching on the discernment of the senses, which should receive
and what is not and should be exposed as the guiding body for health and
The challenges are then framed by the teacher to be enhancer
education as counselor and director of spirituality (guide them toward God),
the emotions, intellect and courage and effort, and ultimately the domain of
the senses.
Since semiotics there are no concrete signs in my hands
beyond the spiritual, addressed this question then from an introspective
obvious and clearly spiritual as sure epistemological which are signs of life
as they are instruments of God to bring about change, change that is based not
humanistic or religious parameters in this modern age, relativistic ecumenical
but a particular purpose and verifiable truth.
The reflection on the articulation of the processes of life
to what should be the focus of pedagogy in our society, which is "the
formation of competent individuals capable of facing a consumer society
oriented damage decentralize families they are impregnable formative axis;
beyond this they should understand the tools to transform and change to a
society that discarded human components to favor monopolies which eat away and
break the integrity of communities, because they think of the subject as an
object of market and not as a person ".
One of the primary keys to generate a process of
transformation is the ability to transmit values and principles clearly and
deeply contextualized to the needs of the person,where a framework of
non-arbitrary political or economic but real demand is generated, specialized
and deep (spiritual, soulish, administrative-staff).
My concept are not situations although they do share the
part that becomes a subject; but a set of values and principles he professes
and lives (running, makes, organizes, power), the shares are consecutively
referents resulting from the existence of values and of a learning process and
are those with which we can measure and attest formation processes in each of
its educational component, the situations are part of the context in relation
to individual and collective prior training, so the situations and actions in a
situation and help synthesize an earlier root formation and existing in him
upon reaching the classroom.
The society has dismantled the values and principles that
are the cornerstones of the will in a relativistic society where there is
neither imported beliefs and labeling teachers as replicators of knowledge but
not as guides or educational authorities in each of the processes students, and
partly understand this generation of teachers as an estate multiply as a
disease because the teachers are not trained with the epistemological
components of a psychological and ontological reflection.
The general law of education lacks what we might call real
democracy at school or inclusive participation, and made by people who have
extensive experience in making it inclusive and popular education school, for a
positive context is that organizes one of the most specialized components of
the school as its administrative system differentiates between formal,
non-formal and informal but widely excludes many of the components that must be
seen in schools including the most important of which is the training
component, and this exclusion is run from the requirements to the conversion of
the school as an increasingly impersonal and alien processes of whole human
Resolving My Own Questions In My Profession
By Natalia Suarez

I would feel more and more happy and satisfied with
the work I do every day and that my students have a significant impression on
their lives and especially my students learn and perform this task by calling
regardless of the disadvantages that are exposed teachers day after day. There
has been very little experience as a teacher but I hope to get better every day
and meet the expectations raised by the beginning of the school year.
All labor, especially the teaching, must be
imbued with love, because for its development, the human
being requires that all their experiences unfold throughaffective
relationships; only then optimizes the emotional and social development
of children and girls today. Affection, then, is a
fundamental part of life because it is in final accountshelp
us to be better people no longer feel never alone. In
return, when this aspect of our life is not in harmony, surely,
it will cost more create links with people and express our
It is often sadly recalls a teacher who treated us as a number of their list of students, who never one look into his eyes, a greeting or was taken cordial. Possibly it prevented us enjoy learning, work better, wish learn more and feel safe in the classroom. During my time as a schoolgirl, is often heard the expression "the rod and spoil," and this was the banner flying thesome of the teachers.
"... The caress is essential for the development of the child ". Hence samples positive affectivity inure to the students desire to learn, their motivation for attending classes, good peer relationships and a good emotional adjustment in terms of secure attachment and
basic trust, among other benefits to self-esteem and comprehensive training. The teacher and preschool teacher should play with jealous affection their work teacher, especially when you take into account the fragility of children who come to school. In the pedagogical interventions should be integrated understanding processes can incorporate in everyday experiences a total acceptance of the uniqueness of each student, complete openness and a sincere empathy for each of the infants are addressed in the classroom.
My first experience as a teacher was crazy; I thought that I
was not good for that. When I started to teach I was a garden homeroom teacher
with many expectations and many questions looking for answers. I was very
excited as I was going to the school where I was a student and now as a
teacher. In that moment everything was new the context, my colleagues, the job
everything. As the time was passing I was feeling thrilled with what had
managed with the children and it was motivating me every day more to continue with
my work, only with the satisfaction of knowing that the students were grateful
for everything what I did for them, I believe that this was one of the things
that I fall in love with my profession.
Something Good
By Jorge Corrales
I don´t know why and what I decided teach in my life. I just
remember looking for something to study and wonder if this is going to give me
money in the future. Yes, I know, not everything in the life is money, but when
you´ve got many things to do and pay, believe me, you think in money. But on
the other hand is your vocation, that says to you what you are good and which
are you skills and abilities. So, I just wanted to do something good I could
enjoy and live of that. I looked for many possibilities and I didn't find
something nice to me... but I read Foreign Language and think in that as
Teaching With Love
By Paola Orozco

It is often sadly recalls a teacher who treated us as a number of their list of students, who never one look into his eyes, a greeting or was taken cordial. Possibly it prevented us enjoy learning, work better, wish learn more and feel safe in the classroom. During my time as a schoolgirl, is often heard the expression "the rod and spoil," and this was the banner flying thesome of the teachers.
"... The caress is essential for the development of the child ". Hence samples positive affectivity inure to the students desire to learn, their motivation for attending classes, good peer relationships and a good emotional adjustment in terms of secure attachment and
basic trust, among other benefits to self-esteem and comprehensive training. The teacher and preschool teacher should play with jealous affection their work teacher, especially when you take into account the fragility of children who come to school. In the pedagogical interventions should be integrated understanding processes can incorporate in everyday experiences a total acceptance of the uniqueness of each student, complete openness and a sincere empathy for each of the infants are addressed in the classroom.
Something That Has Changed My Life
By Eliza Hernandez

In addition, I sometimes faced difficulties in supervising
the classes as it was hard to explain student on concepts which are apart from
my discipline, just because they were a little kids and at the beginning they
didn’t understand anything that was crazy. I also was also reluctant to talk to
all the teachers as they were new to me. As days passed by I became more
confident and was able to interact well with them and know I continue learning
from my kids and from my profession.
Something Good
By Jorge Corrales

All my life I have heard metal music and I like english... I
didn't speak English, but I was a real fan of that kind of music. Metal was a
motive to think in foreign language as academic study. The second one reason
was the teaching, in somewhere of my life I knew what is that and I enjoyed too
much because I've got the spark to treat people. I always have been funny when
I speak I am so spontaneous... in some cases.
According with this ideas I decided something I thought
could join to my life project. Actually I work as English teacher and I think
it was the most beautiful experience think I have ever lived.
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